Roll of Captain Thomas Atkinson's Company

Roll and muster of Capt. Thomas Atkinson's company of volunteers, attached to the One Hundred and Thirty-seventh regiment, Pennsylvania militia, Ralph Martin, lieutenant colonel commandment, from the 26th of August, to the 10th of September, 1812, (both days inclusive,) on duty at Erie.

Captain.	Atkinson, Thomas

Lieutenant.	McClanahan, Robert

Ensign.	Sinclair, Brad

Sergeants.	Shannon, William
			Daniels, John
			Daniels, Casper C.
			Sinclair, John

			Brown, Nathan
			Townly, William
			Clark, Samuel
			Lowrey, Hugh

Heights, Jacob
Alle, James
Dunn, Simeon
David, Owen
Bell, Alexander
Buckley, William
McClanahan, Eli, (Elisha.)
Mitchel, Peter
McBride, Jacob
Hains, Albert
Bloomfield, Thomas
Straight, Stephen
Holman, Alexander
Hights, David
Carrol, Samuel
Vancort, John
Ryan, Edward
Martin, Samuel
Gibson, Thomas
Clark, Robert
Phillips, Daniel
Skelton, William
Adams, Joseph
Duprey, Thomas
Rodgers, John
Dunn, John
Foster, William
Lowrey, James
McGuire, John
Williams, Daniel
Williams, John
Randolph, James
Henderson, Robert
Steel, Samuel
Anderson, James
Johnston, John
Larber, Philip, waiter.

I do certify that the above roll and muster is just and true.

		Thos. Atkinson,
September 13, 1812.
		R. Martin,
		Lieutenant Colonel Commandment.

[ Muster Rolls Of The Pennsylvania Volunteers In The War Of 1812-1814 ]