Roll of Captain John M. Buckius' Company

Pay-roll of a volunteer company, called the Union Riflemen, under the command of Capt. John M. Buckius, attached to the Second brigade, Pennsylvania militia, in the service of the United States, commanded by Lieut. Col. Joel B. Sunderland.

CAMP, NEAR MARCUS HOOK, October 15, 1814.

Captain.		Buckius, John M.

First Lieutenant.	Smith, Henry

Second Lieutenant.	Rex, Christopher

Third Lieutenant.	Weise, Jesse

Sergeants.		Norton, Jesse
				Lentz, Charles
				Wintercast, William
				Engle, Samuel

Corporals.		Colody, Charles
				Scattergood, Charles
				Gouldson, George
				Weiss, Samuel

Navin, Mitchel
Armbrister, John
Conover, Carnelius
Stout, John
Coston, George W.
Stout, Peter
Dannehower, Charles
Stout, John S.
Costor, Benton
Smith, James
Gouldson, William
Haines, John
Venner, Abm.
Street, Thomas
Barrow, John
Myers, Henry
Snyder, George
Pressler, William
Ennis, John
Weiss, Abm
Tripler, Jacob
Shope, Henry
Griffith, Isaac
Lowden, Isaac
Wolf, Christopher
Zink, Jacob
Dickerson, John
Arnach, Christian
Haines, Joseph
Ross, Thomas
Pifer, Jacob
Adams, Bernard
Venner, Henry
Narigong, Peter
Miller, John
Dake, John
Johnston, Samuel
Pressler, Henry
Hornboch, Isaac
Coffman, David
Coston, Eleven M.
Wintercast, George

We certify, on honor, that this pay-roll exhibits a true state of the rifle company attached to the Second brigade, Pennsylvania militia, and that the remarks set opposite the names of the men are accurate and just.

		Henry Smith,
			Lieutenant Commandant.
		Joel B. Sutherland,
		Lieutenant Colonel Commandant.

I certify that the rifle company commanded by John M. Buckius, is in the service of the United States, under the orders of the general commanding the Fourth military district.

		Thomas Snyder,
			Brigadier General.

[ Muster Rolls Of The Pennsylvania Volunteers In The War Of 1812-1814 ]