Roll of Captain J. Bakeoven's Company
Pay-roll of Capt. J. Bakeoven's company, Second brigade, ---- division Pennsylvania militia, in the service of the United States, under command of Col. John Thompson.
First Lieutenant. Neveling, Daniel Second Lieutenant. Pate, Peter H. Ensign. Pate, Peter M. Sergeants. Moser, Jacob Baker, Samuel Sheppard, William Fordam, Richard Corporals. Henderson, David Mood, John Mood, Jacob Faunce, Isaac Privates Keffer, Anthony Hoffman, Jacob Morris, John Cornwell, James Hoffman, Adam Morgan, Luke Baker, Peter Boat, Jacob H. Upperman, George Cramer, Rudolph Toy, Isaac Shillingforth, James Grissim, Adam Wright, William Smith, Jacob Wall, Henry Sheetz, John Creely, Michael Gardy, John Bennet, John Vance, John Croud, John Johnston, William Sickfrit, John Alexander, Nicholas Montgomery, John Kinsey, Conrad Smith, John Denny, John Forster, John Crist, Joseph Stockbine, or Storkpine, Henry Crist, Michael Bault, Frederick Shipe, John Peterson, Jere Causor, George Nasor, Jacob Arons, James Williams, Theophilus Walters, Mitchel Dickerson, William Gahn, John Elliot, John Fox, Lewis Erie, John Penik, James Parker, George Riffit, Joseph Redek, Adam Giger, George Campbell, James Knox, Nehemiah Newton, John Fitzell, Lewis Cantreel, George North, Josiah Thorp, John Willis, Ebenezer Harman, (or Harmer,) Jessy. Tees, Peter. Mahon, Thomas McClary, Alexander Seeker, Philip Kepler, (or Kepple,) Christian. Gill, Thomas Abraham, Henry Weaver, Henry Fields, John Wallow, (or Wallace,) William Wagner, John Price, William Chilcot, George Christ, Henry Afflerbauch, George Erhard, Frederick Tull, Richard Duffy, James Sheppard, John Stinceman, Caspar Moser, Jacob Crist, John, Jr.
We do certify, on honor, that the within roll contains a true state of the company of non-commissioned officers and privates, commanded by Capt. Bakeoven, Second brigade, First division, Pennsylvania militia, under command of Col. John Thompson.
John Bakeoven, Captain. John Thompson, Colonel. CAMP MARCUS HOOK, October 17, 1814.
I certify, that the company commanded by Capt. J. Bakeoven, is in the service of the United States, under order of the general commanding the Fourth military district.
Thomas Snyder, Brigadier General commanding. CAMP MARCUS HOOK, October 17, 1814.
[ Muster Rolls Of The Pennsylvania Volunteers In The War Of 1812-1814 ]