New York In The Spanish-American War

Part of the Report of the Adjutant-General of the State for 1900

This record of "New York in the Spanish-American War" has been prepared in accordance with the directions and under the instructions of Brigadier-General Avery D. Andrews and Brigadier-General Edward M. Hoffman, adjutants-general of the state, 1899 and 1900, respectively. In the preparation of the work the part taken by the state directly has been obtained from the report of Major-General C. Whitney Tillinghast, 2d, adjutant-general of the state for the year 1898, and where the text speaks of the "adjutant-general" without any further definition or "this office," the adjutant-general of the state and the office of the adjutant-general of the state are alluded to. The historical records of the organizations are founded on their official reports, and the personal records are taken from the muster-out rolls on file in the office of the adjutant-general of the state.


Military Department of the State
		Staff of the Commander-in-chief
		Staff Departments of the State
			Adjutant-General's Department
			Inspector-General's Department
			Judge-Advocate-General's Department
			Quartermaster-General's Department
			Subsistence Department
			Medical Department
			Pay Department
			Engineer Department
			Ordinance Department
			Cheif of Artillery Department
			Department of Rifle Practice
			Signal Corps
			Military Secretary
Declaration of War
	First Call
		Property issued in April and May, 1808
			Ordnance stores
			Quartermaster's stores
			Medical Stores
		State property taken in the United States service
			Ordnance stores
			Quartermaster's stores
			Medical Stores
		Number of men furnished
		Camp at Henpstead Plains
			Report of Major-General Roe
				Report of Colonel Hurry, Commissary
				Report of Colonel Henry, Ass't Surgeon-General
				Report of Colonel Sanger, Provost Marshal
	Camp of Instruction, Peekskill
			Report of Brigadier-General Doyle
	Second call
		Number of men furnished
	Reports of inspections by the Surgeon-General
	Paymaster-Generals report
		Report of Colonel Sanger of Pay Dep't
	First Unites States Volunteer Engineers
	United States Voluntyeer Signal Corps
		Report of Major Ives, Cheif Signal Officer, S. N. Y.
	United States volunteer officers from this state
	Muster-out of organizations
	Navel Militia in United States service
	Statement of number of Navel Militia in United States service
	Former members of Navel Militia in United States service
General resume of Volunteers
Official recognition of service
Deaths in the service
	Names of the dead
		Commissioned officers
		Enlisted men
		Registers of Organizations:
			Troop "A" Cavalry
			Troop "C" Cavalry
			Fourth Battery
			Fifth Battery
			Seventh Battery
			First Regiment
			Second Regiment
			Third Regiment
			Eighth Regiment
			Ninth Regiment
			Twelfth Regiment
			Thirteenth Regiment
			Fourteenth Regiment
			Twenty-second Regiment
			Forty-seventh Regiment
			Sixty-fifth Regiment
			Sixty-ninth Regiment
			Seventy-first Regiment
			Two Hundred and First Regiment
			Two Hundred and Second Regiment
			Two Hundred and Third Regiment
			Naval Militia
				First Naval Battalion
				Second Naval Battalion
				First Separate Naval Division
				Second Separate Division
				Report of Captain of Naval Militia
					War service of Naval Militia
					Distribution of Naval Militia
				Report of operations of the U. S. S. "Yankee"
					Extract of log of the U. S. S. "Yankee"
				Captain Miller's report on mine fields
					Lieut-Commander Forshew's report
			Records of Officers
			Records of enlisted men

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