1710 New York Colonial Muster Rolls

Copied from New York Colonial Muster Rolls, 1664-1775, Report of the State Historian of the State of New York. Reprinted for the web.

Joseph Hunt to be captain of the troop of Militia in the county of Westchester.

June 8. Petition Lancaster Symes and Philip Rokeby Lieutenants of the Governors Company for subsistance money.

Robert Hunt Governor of New York

A List of the officers belonging to the Regiment of Militia in ye City of New York June ye 26th 1710.

		William Peartree Collonell
		Robert Lurting Lev't Coll:
		David Provoost Major

	1st Company			3rd Company
Richard Willett Capt		P'olwell Capt
Paul Driolhett Lev't		Johanis Jansen Lev't
John Vanhoorn Ensigne		Walten Thong Ensigne

	2d Company			4th Company
Benjamin Faneuil Capt		Benjamin Aske Capt.
Michaell Hawden Lev't		Johanis hardenbrook Lev't
Isaac Stoutenburgh Ensigne	Elias Bodinutt Ensigne

	5th Company			7th Company
John Dehoneur Capt		Richard Sackett Capt
Peter Morine Lev't		William Walton Lev't
John Creuger Ensigne		Robert Drommon Ensigne

	6th Company			8th Company
Edward Blagg Capt		Garret Van hoorne Capt
Johanis Rikeman Lev't		Thomas Davenport Lev't
Phillip Minthorne Ensigne.	Phillip Schuyler Ensigne

Officers of ye Militia--Jacob Rutsen Esq Coll of ye Militia of Ulster and Dutchess Counties. John Newkirk to be Ensigne of ye Company of Hurley whereof Johannes Schepmanse is Capt

List of Militia officers Orange County


Isaac Ludlam Capt	}
Barney Horton, Liv't	}To have ye Compa that Capt Carpenter had
Richard Allison, Ins,	}

George wood Jun'r Ins, under Capt Nathaniel Roe

Hendrick Johnson Kartrite Capt.

Harmen Van Garda Lieut Commisciant

Johannes Decker Ins Capt in the rume of Capt Jacob's Swartwout

At orange Towne

Garet Underdunck Capt in ye rume

David Blawfelt Lieut of Capt Johannes Blawfelt. Ins ---- Ransom

List of Militia Officers Suffolk County

A list of officers appointed

Arthur Howell Captain	}For Easthamton
Elias Hand Lieutenant	}and Bridgehampton
Ebenezer White 2d Lieut.}Companys
William Jones Captain	}For
Henry Howell Lieutenant	}Southampton
Silas Howell 2d Lieut.	}Company.

List of Commissions sent to Queens County. 5 August 1710 to Mr. Everet of Jamaica the following Commissions.

Samuell Coe Lef't		Johan Blau Capt
Thomas Marrell Left		Cor Farring left Richmond
Rich'd Betts Ensign		delvd Mr Cruger his		}
Thomas Hasard Left		Commission for (his) Left	}
Edward Hunt Capt		David Aersen Insign
Tho: Hingsman Ensigne		Tero: Remsen Left
Jonath Wright Capt		Capt Lyster
John Cornell ajetant		Walter Thong, Left
7th Aug't sent to Capt Corbit	Jacques Pelson Capt
orange				Jacob Carsen Insigne

[ New York Colonial Muster Rolls, 1664-1775 ]