George Washington
Born: February 22, 1732 in Wakefield, Virginia.
Married: Mrs. Martha Dandridge Custis January 6, 1759.
Died: December 14, 1799, age 67.
Buried: Mount Vernon, Virginia
Children: (step) John Parke Custis (1754 - 1781), and Martha Parke Custis (1756 - 1773)
College: None
Religion Episcopalian
Occupation: Planter, Surveyor, Military, President of the United States.
Military Rank: General
President George Washington
President number: First President of U.S.
Political Party: None (Washington opposed the idea of political parties)
Vice President: John Adams
Age at Inauguration: 57
Served: 1789-1797
Number of terms: 2
Other Offices or Commissions: President of Constitutional Convention, Lieutenant General and Commander in Chief of new United States Army.
Only President to be elected unanimously.
Only President inaugurated in 2 cities - New York and Philadelphia
Only President that did not live in the White House, although he was involved in the planning of the Capitol.