1700 New York Colonial Muster Rolls

Copied from New York Colonial Muster Rolls, 1664-1775, Report of the State Historian of the State of New York. Reprinted for the web.

Earl of Bellomont, Governor of New York

Militia Officers of the Province of New York in the year 1700.

(London Doc. XIII.)

A Table of the Number of the severall Regiments in ye Province of New York.

County of Suffolk614
Queen's County601
King's County280
Richmond County 2 Compas152
City and County of New York684
County of West Chester155
Ulster and Dutchess County325
City and County of Albany371
Totall3,182 men

Province of New Yorke.

List of ye present officers of ye Militia in his Ma'tys (majesty's) Province of New York in America commissionated by his Excel. Rich'd, Earle of, Bellomont, Capt. Generall and Gov'r in Chief in and over his Ma'tys said Province and c. viz:

Of ye Regiment of Militia of ye County of Suffolk on ye Island


Isaac Arnold		Colonel		}
Henry Pierson		Lieut Col	}Field Officers.
Matthew Howel		Maj'r		}

The several Compas in ye said Regimt

The Foot Compa in the town of Brookhaven

Sam Smith		Captain		}(Commissioned)
Rich'd Floyd		Lieut.		}
Joseph Tucker		Ensigne		}Comon Officers

Of the Foot Compa in ye town of Huntington

Thos Wicks		Capt.		}
Jon Woods		Lieut		}C.O.
Epnetus Plat		Lieut		}

Of ye Foot Compa in ye town of Southampton

Abra Howell		Capt		}
Joseph Fordham		Lieut		}C.O.
Isaac Halsey		Ensigne		}

Of another Compa in ye said Town

			Capt		}
John Lupton		Lieut.		}C.O.
Joseph Moore		Ensigne		}

Of another Compa in ye said Town

Tho. Stephens		Capt		}
Joseph Pierson		Lieut		}C.O.
Jerem. Scot		Ensigne		}

Of ye Foot Compa in ye Town of Southold

Tho Young		Capt.		}
Sam Glover		Lieut		}C.O.
Rich. Brown		Ensigne		}

Of another Foot Compa in ye said Town

Jonathan Harlon Capt			---- Griffin Lieut.
				Emens, Ensign

Of another Foot Compa in ye said Town

Thos Mapas Capt				Joshua Harlow Lieut

Jon Booth Ensigne

Of another Foot Compa in ye town of East Hampton

Capt;		Lieut;		Ensigne;

Of another Foot Compa in ye said Town

John Wheeler Capt,			Enoch Fitchin Lieut,

Corn. Conchling Ensigne

This Regiment consists of six hundred and fourteen men

Of the Regimt of Militia in Queens County on ye said Island

				Colonel		}
John Jackson			Lieut Col	}Field Officers
				Majr		}

Of the Foot compa in the town of Jamaica

Hope Carpenter			Capt		}
Benjn Thurston			Lieut.		}Comon Officers
Richd Oldfield			Ensigne		}

Of another Foot compa in ye said town

Sam. Carpenter			Capt.		}
Joseph Smith			Lieut.		}C.O.
Dan Smith			Ensigne		}

Of the Foot Compa in ye Town of New Town

Content Titus			Capt.		}
Sam. Ketcham			Lieut.		}C.O.
Sam. Morrell			Ensigne		}

Of another Foot Compa in ye said Town.

Rob't Coe			Capt.		}
Jon Berian			Lieut.		}C.O.
Jonathan Coe			Ensigne		}

Of the Foot Compa in ye Town of Hampstead

Jerem. Smith			Capt.
Rich'd Hubbs			Lieut.
Isaac Smith			Ensigne,

Of another Foot Compa in ye said Town

Joseph Smith			Capt.
Thos Gildersleeve		Ensigne.

Of another Foot Compa in ye said Town

Tho. Treadwell			Capt,
Jon. Pine			Lieut,
Jon Forster			Ensigne,

Of the Foot Compa in ye Town of Flushing

Robert Hinchman			Capt,
---- Harrington			Lieut,
Daniel Wright			Ensigne,

Of the Foot Compa in ye town of Oyster Bay

Rob't Coles			Capt.
Josia Latten			Lieut
Nath: Coles Jun'r		Ensigne

Of the Troope of Horse in ye said Regmt

John Lawrence			Capt.
Jonath: Smith			Lieut
Daniel Lawrence			Cornet
Jon Finne			Quartermaster

The Regiment consists of six hundred and one men,

Of the Regiment of Militia in King's County on ye said Island,

Stephen Cortlandt		Colonel		}
Gerardus Beekman		Lieut Col.	}Field Officers
Corn: Van Brunt			Maj'r		}

Of the Foot Compa in the town of Amersfort, (Flatlands)

Jon Terhermon			Capt.
Peter Mansford			Lieut,
Corn Van Voorhuyen		Ensigne

Of the Foot Compa in ye Town of Gravesend

John Lake			Capt.
Chr: Bemoyn			Lieut,
Albert Coerten			Ensigne,

Of the Foot Compa in the town of Brookland,

Joris Hansen			Capt,
Daniel Repalie			Lieut,
Teunis Repalie			Ensigne.

Of the Foot Compa in ye town of New Uytregt.

John Van Dyke			Capt.
Joost Van Brunt			Lieut.
Matys Smake			Ensigne.

Of the Foot Compa in ye town of Midwout (Flatbush).

Arie Van de Bilt		Capt,
Symon Hansen			Lieut,
Isaac Hegeman			Ensigne.

Of the Foot Compa in ye town of Boswick.

Peter Pra			Capt,
Michill Parmyter		Lieut,
Jochem Vouchnewen		Ensigne.

Of the Troop of Horse in ye said Regiment

Dan. Polhemius			Capt.
Roeloft Verkirk			Lieut,
Jerominus Remse			Cornet
Gysbert Bayard			Quarter Master

This Regiment consists of two hundred and eighty men.

Of the Militia in the County of Richmond.

Of the Foot Compa in the said County

Tho. Stillwell			Capt,
Tho. Morgane	}		
		}		Lieuts's
Nice Teunisse	}

Of another Compe in ye said County

Andrew Carmon			Capt
John Stillwell	}
		}		Lieuts's
Jaque Poilton	}

The said two Compas in the said County consists of one hundred and fifty two men.

Of the Regimt of Militia in ye City and County of New York

Abra: de Peyster		Colonel		}
Wm Mervet			Lieut. Col.	}Field Officers
Jon Henry De Bruyn		Maj'r		}

Of a Foot Compa in ye said city.

Robt. Walters			Capt,		}
Andrew Teller			Lieut		}Comon Officers
Jon Hardinbrooke		Ensigne,	}

Of another Foot Compa in ye said City.

David Provost			Capt,		}
Wm Churcher			Lieut,		}C.O.
Absa: Brasier			Ensigne		}

Of one other Foot Compa in ye said City.

Leonard Lewis			Capt,		}
Jacob Vander Speigle		Lieut,		}C.O.
Isaac Governeur			Ensigne,	}

Of one other Troop Compa in ye said City.

Isaac De Keimer			Capt
Steph Richards			Lieut
Nicho. Blank,			Ensigne

Of one other Foot Compa in ye said Citty.

Cornelius De Peyster		Capt,
Roger Baker			Lieut
Corn: Lodge			Ensigne

Of one other Foot Compa in ye said Citty

John Theobalds			Capt
Peter De Melt			Leiut
Isaac Brasier			Ensigne

Of another Foot Compa in ye said Citty

Evert Byvanck			Capt,
John Vander Speigel		Leiut,
Jon Tiebout			Ensigne.

Of one other Foot Compa in ye said City

Martin Clock			Capt,
Tho Fornuier			Leiut,
Hend: Breevort			Ensigne,

Of the Troop of Horse in ye said Regimt

John De Peyster Capt,		Jon Outman Cornet
Jon Hoghland Leiut.		Evert Van de Water Quarter master

This Regiment consists of six hundred and eighty five men.

Of the Regiment of Militia in ye County of West Chester

				Colonel		}
				Lieut. Col.	}Field Officers
Augt Graham			Majr		}

Of a Foot Compa in the town of East Chester.

John Drake			Capt,		}
Joseph Drake			Lieut,		}C.O.
Henry Tower			Ensigne		}

Of a Foot Compa in ye town of New Rochell,

Oliver Besley			Capt,
Isaac Merier			Leiut,
Pierre Vasleau			Ensigne

Of a Foot Compa in ye town of Mamarioneck.

James Mott			Captain
Robert Lauting			Leiut,
Tho: Ives			Ensigne

This Regiment consists of one hundred fifty five men.

Of the Regiment of Militia in ye Counties of Ulster and Dutchess.

				Colonel		}
Jacob Rutsen			Lieut Col	}Field Officers
				Majr		}

Of a foot Compa in ye said Countys.

Matthias Mattyson		Captain		}
Evert Bogardus			Leiut.		}Comon Officers
Tennis Tappen			Ensigne,	}

Of another Foot Compa in ye s'd Countys.

Abso: Hasbrooke			Captain
Moses Quantaine			Lieut,
Lewis Bavea			Ensigne.

Of an other Foot Compa in ye said Countys.

George Middagh			Capt,
Gysbert Kroom			Lieut,
Alex, Rosebrans			Ensigne.

Of another foot Compa in ye said Countys,

Aria Rose			Captain
John Rose			Lieut.
Aria Gerrutse			Ensigne

Of another Foot Compa in ye said Countys.

Jocham Schoonmaker		Captain
John Van Camp			Lieut
Jacob Decker			Ensigne

Of another Foot Compa in ye said Countys.

Coenrod Elmendorp		Captain
Mattyse Sleight			Lieut
Garret Wyncoop			Ensigne

Of another Foot Compa in ye said Countys

Baltus Van Cleet		Captain
Hendrick Kipp			Lieut
John Ter Bus			Ensigne

Of the Troop of Horse in ye said Regiment

Egbert Schoonmaker Captain	Abra: Gasbert, Cornet
Corn: Decker Lieut		Mattys Jansen, Quartermaster.

This Regiment consists of Three hundred five and twenty men.

Of the Regiment of Militia in ye City and County of Albany.

Peter Schuyler			Colonel		}
				Lieut. Col.	}Field Officers
Dyrck Wessels			Maj'r		}

Of a Foot Company in the city of Albany.

Johannes Bleeker		Captain		}
Johannes Roseboom		Lieut		}Com'n Officers
Abra: Cuyler			Ensigne		}

Of another Foot Compa in ye said city

Albert Rykman			Captain
Wessel ten Broeck		Lieut.
Johannes Thomasse		Ensigne

Of another Foot Compa in the said County.

Martin Cornelisse		Captain
Andris Douw			Lieut.
Andris Koyman			Ensigne.

Of another Foot Compa in the said County.

Gerrit Teunisse			Captain
Jonas Douw		}
			}	Lieut's
Jochem Lamerse		}
Volckart V. Hoesem	}
			}	Ensignes
Abra: Hanse		}

Of a Foot Compa in ye town of Schenectady

Johannes Sanderse Glen		Captain
Adam Woman (?)			Lieut.
Harman V. Slyke			Ensigne.

Of the Troope of Horse in ye said Regiment

Kilian Van Renslaer		Captain
Johannes Schuyler		Lieut.
Bennone V. Corlaer		Cornet
Anthony Bries			Quartermaster.

This Regiment consists of Three hundred seaventy one men.

Indorsed) "No 13. New Yorke. List of the officers of the Militia) in the Privince of New Yorke

"Referred to in ye E of Bellomonts Ire of ye 28 Nov'r 1700 Rec'd 18 Feb Read 1700 0/1

[ New York Colonial Muster Rolls, 1664-1775 ]