1689 New York Colonial Muster Rolls
Copied from New York Colonial Muster Rolls, 1664-1775, Report of the State Historian of the State of New York. Reprinted for the web.
The Reign in England of William III, and Mary -- Francis Nicholson, Governor of New York.
May 10. Certificate. Ex Governor Wil Dongan of the service of Peter Schuyler in Captain George Lockharts Troops, with account.
Jacob Leisler, Governor of New York.
Resolution of a convention of the mayor, aldermen, Justices of the peace and militia of the City and County of Albany, to have the oath of allegiance administered to the Soldiers in the fort. The 26th of octob 1689.
Resolved y't Dirk Wessels Joh Wendel, Jan Janse Bleeker, David Schuyler, and albert Ryckman Justices of ye Peace doe Repare to there Maj'es fort and administer to ye Souldiers the oath of fidelity to there Maj'es William and Mary King and Queen of Engl'd and c. who accordingly with all Cheerfulness and Readinesse took ye same (as they were Drawne up in ye fort in arms by Leif't Sharpe who took his oath on th ye of octob'r last in ye full convention) a list whereof follows
Charles Rogers } }Sergt's Christop: Barrisford } John Holman } }Corp'rs John Gilbert } Wm Shaw Montros Tho: Rogers Drum'r Gert arentse Rob't Barnitt John Carter John Douglass John Denny Wm Ellis Rob't Farringhton Ralph graunt Wm Haaton Wm Mather Stephen harper Wm. Rodgers John Radcliffe Rich'd Tunnell Elias van Ravesteyn Rich'd White Rich'd Nelson Jos: Yetts Tho: Wakefield
These were not present being at ye Half Moon; Tobias henderson James Larmond, Wm Powel James Willet.
Tho: Shaver Refuses to take ye oat.
It is unanimously resolved y't Leift Tho Sharpe who together with ye Souldiers of there Maj'es garrison, have take ye oath of fidelity to there Maj'es William and Mary King and queen, y't ye S'd Leift Sharpe shall continue in ye command of there Maj'es fort of Albany; Who is to obey such orders and Instructions as he shall from time to time Receive from ye Convention of ye Citty and County of Albany; and y't no oy'r Person shall have ye command of s'd fort till orders Comes from there Maj'es King William and queen Mary which wee with patience will waite for since ye s'd fort is Kept for there Maj'es use.
Signed P Schuyler, Johannes Wendell, Jan Janse Bleeker, K. V. Renselaer, Ed Banker, Joh: Cuyler Dirk Jeunisse
Military Commissions
Dec. 16 Henry Cuyler Major of all the foot companies in the city and county of New York
Robert Walter Captain of foot South ward New York, Isaac de Reimer Lieutenant of Walters company New York, Jacobus Vander Spiegell Ensign in Walters company New York.
Sioert Olphertse captain of foot West ward, New York. Paulus Turck Lieutenant of foot West ward New York
Dec. 17. Peter White, Ensign of foot, West ward, New York.
Dec 13. Abraham de Peyster captain of foot, dock ward, New York Johannes de Peyster Lieutenant of foot, dock ward New York Peter de Mill Ensign of foot, dock ward, New York.
Dec. 16. Gerrit Duykinck captain of foot, North ward, New York
Dec. 17. Hendrick Ten Eyck Lieutenant of foot, North ward, New York. Johannes Beekman Ensign of foot North ward New York.
John de Browne Captain of foot, East ward, New York
Dec. 18. Jaques puillion. Captain of foot, west part of Richmond County. Staten Island.
Dec. 17 Petter Verbrugh. Lieutenant of foot, in De Brownes Company, New York.
Abraham Brasher Ensign in de Brownes Company New York.
Dec. 16 Adraien Cornelisen van Schayck captain of foot, Outward, New York.
Dec. 18. Daniell ter Neur Lieutenant in Van Schayck's company, New York.
John Stott, Ensign, Van Schaycks Company New York.
Thomas Morgan Lieutenant, in Pullion's Company, Richmond County.
Seger Gerritsen, Ensign in Pullions Company Richmond County.
Dec. 19. Cornelis Corson Captain of foot North and East part of Staten Island Richmond County.
Cornelis Nevius, Ensign of foot Corsen's Company. Richmond County.
Dec. 24. Thomas Chambers. Major of all the foot in Ulster County New York.
Mathys Mathyssen Captain of foot Kings towne, Ulster County New York. Blank Commissions to his Lieutenant and Ensign.
Johannes de Nooges, captain of foot Hurly, Ulster County, New York. Blank Commissions to his Lieutenant and Ensign.
Dec. 19. John Theunissen Van Pelt, Lieutenant of foot, Cornelis Corsen's Company, Staten Island, Richmond County.
Dec. 24. Thomas Teunisse Quick, Captain of foot Marble Ulster County New York. Blank Commissions to his Lieutenant and Ensign
Abraham Haesbroeck Captain of foot at Ye Paltz Ulster County New York. Blank commissions to his Lieutenant and Ensign
Dec. 30. Thomas Lawrence, Major of all the horse and foot in Queens County
Joseph Smith, Captain of foot IIemstead. Queens County, New York.
Content Titus, Captain of foot Newtowne Queens County, New York.
No date. Gerardus Beeckman, Major of all the horse and foot in Kings County.
Dec. 27. Pieter Stuyken Captain of foot Flatbush Kings County Symon Hanse. Lieutenant of foot Flatbush Kings County.
Isaac Hegeman, Ensign of foot, Flatbush, Kings county.
Joost Kookuyt, Captain of foot, Bushwick, Kings County.
Nicolaes Stilwell Captain Of foot, Gravesandt, Kings County.
Michaell Hanse Captain of foot, Breukelen, Kings County.
Coort Stevense Captain of foot, Flatlands, Kings County.
Jan Hanse Captain of foot, New Utrecht, Kings County.
Thomas Lammerse Lieutenant of foot, Michael Hanse's Company Breuklen Kings County. Volkert Hendrickse Ensign of foot Michael Hanse's Company Breuklen, Kings County.
Jan Janse Van Dyck, Lieutenant of foot Jan Hanse's Company New Utrecht, Kings County. Joost V Brunt, Enseign of foot Jan Hanse's Company New Utrecht, Kings County.
Jan teunisse van dykhuyse Lieutenant of foot, Coert Stevenses Company Flatlands Kings County. Dirk Jansen, Enseign of foot, Coert Stevense's Company Flatlands Kings County.
Michiel Palmitier Lieutenant of foot Joost Kookuyt's Company Bushwick Kings County. Dirk Volkertse, Ensign of foot Joost Kookuyt's Company Bushwick Kings County.
Daniell Leeck. Lieutenant of foot Nicolaes Stilwells Company Gravesend Kings County. Joghem Gulick, Ensign of foot Niclaes Stilwells Company
[ New York Colonial Muster Rolls, 1664-1775 ]