The New York Line - 3RD Regiment
See Also:
New York Line - Third Regiment from New York In The Revolution - Documents Relating to the Colonial History of the State of New York, Vol. XV, New York State Archives, Vol. I., Edited by: Berthold Fernow
COLONEL JAMES CLINTON COLONEL PETER GANSEVORT LIEUTENANT COLONEL JAMES BRUYN MAJOR ROBERT COCHRAN MAJOR JAMES ROSEKRANCE ADJUTANT CHRISTOPHER HUTTON ADJUTANT GEORGE SYTZ QUARTER MASTER NEHEMIAH CARPENTER QUARTER MASTER PRENTICE BOWEN QUARTER MASTER THOMAS WILLIAMS, JR. PAY MASTER JEREMIAH vAN RENSSELAER SURGEON HUNLOKE WOODRUFF SURGEON'S MATE JOHN ELLIOT, JR. CAPT. AARON AORSON CAPT. ANDREW BILLINGS CAPT. LEONARD BLEEKER CAPT. JACOBUS S. BRUYN CAPT. EZRA BUELL CAPT. EZEKIEL COOPER CAPT. DANIEL DENTON CAPT. THOMAS DE WITT CAPT. LEWIS DUBOYS CAPT. I. GREGG CAPT. JAMES GREGG CAPT. JOHN GRENELL CAPT. DANIEL GRIFFING CAPT. ELIAS HASBROUCK CAPT. JOHN HULBERT CAPT. JAMES HUMPHREY CAPT. CORNELIUS J. JANSEN CAPT. ROBERT JOHNSTON CAPT. GEORGE LIGHT CAPT. JOHN NICOLSON CAPT. ABRAHAM SWARTWOUT CAPT. GEORGE SYTEZ CAPT. HENRY TEABOUT CAPT. HENRY TIEBOUT CAPT. ELIAS VAN BUNSCHOTEN LIEUT. JOSIAH BAGLEY LIEUT. JOHN BALL LIEUT. PETER DEBOIS BEVIER LIEUT. BENJAMIN BOGARDUS LIEUT. ISAAC BOGART LIEUT. PRENTICE BOWEN LIEUT. WILLIAM COLEBREATH LIEUT. PHILIP CONINE LIEUT. NATHANIEL CONKLIN LIEUT. HENRY DEFENDORFF LIEUT. BALTHAZER DEILART LIEUT. GEORGE DENNISON LIEUT. GEORGE I. DENNISTON LIEUT. DAVID DUBOIS LIEUT. WILLIAM HAVENS LIEUT. JOHN HUNTER LIEUT. CHRISTOPHER HUTTON LIEUT. GEORGE HAMILTON JACKSON LIEUT. CORNELIUS T. JANSEN LIEUT. ALEXANDER KETCHAM LIEUT. PETER KOGGEN LIEUT. ANDREW LAWRENCE LIEUT. SAMUEL LEWIS LIEUT. GILBERT R. LIVINGSTON LIEUT. GEORGE LYTZE LIEUT. THOMAS MCCLELLAN LIEUT. PETER MAGEE LIEUT. WILLIAM MARTIN LIEUT. BENJAMIN MARVIN LIEUT. NATHANIEL NORTON LIEUT. THOMAS OSTRANDER LIEUT. ALBERT PAWLING LIEUT. SAMUEL SMITH LIEUT. GARRET STAATS LIEUT. LEVI STOCKWELL LIEUT. WILLIAM TAPP LIEUT. HENRY VANDERBURG LIEUT. NANNING VANDERHYDEN LIEUT. THOMAS WARNER LIEUT. JOHN WELCH LIEUT. MOSES YEOMANS ENSIGN AMENT ALDERT ENSIGN JOHN BURHANCE ENSIGN ALEXANDER CLINTON ENSIGN DOUW FONDA ENSIGN DOUW I. FONDA ENSIGN BENJAMIN HERRING ENSIGN GARRIT G. LANSING ENSIGN SAMUEL LEWIS ENSIGN PETER MAGEE ENSIGN JOSEPH MORRILL ENSIGN MATTHEW POTAN ENSIGN JOHN SPOOR ENSIGN JEREMIAH VAN RENSSELAER ENLISTED MEN Aartwick, Lawrence Abbey, Lemuel Abbey, Samuel Acker, Albert Acker, Conrad Ackerman, David Ackerman, Edar Ackerson, Benjamin Ackerson, John Ackerson, Thomas Ackley, Joel Adams, Ephraim Adams, Stephen Adams, William Adamy, Henry Ade, Lester Ademy, Henry Adley, Peter Alderman, Ephraim Allen, Thomas Allison, John, Sr. Allison, John, Jr. Allison, Peter Allison, Richard Allison, Thomas Alone, Christian Ambler, Nathan Ambler, Nathaniel Ammermon, Obadiah Anderson, Ezekiel Anderson, George Anderson, William Andrews, Benjamin Anning, Daniel Anthony, Francis Anthony, George Anthony, John Anthony, Peter Apart, John Appart, John Armstrong, John Artwick, Lawrence Ash, Henry Ashley, Aaron Atkins, Henry Austin, David Avrey, Humphrey Babbet, Reuben Babbit, John Babcock, David Bagley, David Bailey, Joseph Bailey, Wilkey Bailey, Leonard Bakehorn, Jacob Bakehorn, Jeremiah Baker, Bartholomew Baker, Daniel Baker, Ichabod Baker, John Baker, Joseph Baker, Pars Baker, Thomas Balding, Jesse Ballas, Elezer Banchraft, John Banker, John Banker, Thomas Banks, Benjamin Baptist, John Bardu, Elias Barker, Stephen Barkhoff, Frederick Barnes, Henry Barnes, Stephen Barnhum, Samuel Barns, Henry Barns, James Barret, Michael Barret, William Barrey, Charles Barrit, William Barton, Rober Barton, Robert Barwolf, Christian Bass, Henry Bassett, Cornelius Bassett, Joseph Bates, Joseph Batman, William Batnar, Paul Bearvert, John Beckhorn, Jeremiah Bedle, Moses Beedle, John Beegle, Thomas Beekman, John Beenns, Stephen Begle, Moses Beidle, John Belknap, John Belknap, William Benjamin, Daniel Bennet, ----s Bennett, Charles Bennett, Henry Bennett, Jeremiah Benson, Thomas Berdan, John Berry, Charles Berry, James Berton, George Berwart, John Beurum, John Bickford, James Bishop, John Bishop, Levi Black, John Blacker, John Blacher, William Blanck, Cornelius Blank, Cornelius Blauvalt, Abram Blekwell, Gerret Blowers, Ephraim Blowers, George Bogard, Martha Bogardus, Lewis Bogart, John Bohall, Paul Bont, Thomas Bony, William Booth, Henry Bordon, John Boreman, James Bound, Rodman Bourk, Edmond Bourk, John Bovie, Nicholas Bower, Jeremiah Boyce, James Boyce, John Boyce, John P. Boyd, Robert Bradley, Cornelius Bradley, Richard Bradt, Christopher Brady, George Brady, Richard Brandt, Edward Brannen, Abraham Brannon, Timothy Brant, Christian Brant, E. Brass, John Bray, William Brenck, Peter Brewster, Benjamin Brewster, William Briggs, John Brink, Robert Brisbee, James Brocket, Moses Bromley, Simon Brondow, Frederick Brown, Charles Fred Brown, Daniel Brown, David Brown, Henry Brown, Isaac Brown, John Brown, John F. Brown, Jonathan Brown, Peter Brown, Richard Brown, Robert Brown, Samuel Brown, Thomas Clark Brown, William Bryant, John Bryant, Melancthon Bryent, Thomas Buckstaff, Peter Buis, James Bulson, Cornelius Bunce, Edmund Bunce, Jesse Bunskolen, Solomon Buoy, William Burch, Philip Burch, Sabins Burden, John Burgess, Michael Burgun, Oliver Burhans, Edward Burhans, John Burhans, Samuel Burjes, Peter Burk, Edmund Burk, John Burkdorf, John Burke, Edmond Burke, John Burns, John Burrell, Zachariah Burris, John Burroughs, John Burton, George Bushell, Joseph Buskirk, Garret Butler, Richard Butnar, Paul Buyce, James Buyer, Godfrey Buyford, Henry Byer, Godfrey Cable, Andrew Cain, Edward Cain, John Caldwell, William Calf, John Callam, Reuben Cambell, Kenneth Cameran, Hugh Campbell, Duncan Canfield, Timothy Canter, Jonas Carle, John Carll, Lemuel Carman, Abraham Carmical, Blakney Carmichel, Peter Carpenter, Moses Carpenter, Samuel Carr, Norris Carragill, John Carsad, Richard Carsday, N. Cartell, John Casady, Luke Case, George Case, Joseph Cashaday, Nicholas Casler, Joseph Cassells, Eliphalet Cavenough, John Cavin, Thomas Cazard, Richard Certain, James Chaddock, Nathaniel Chaddock, Sylvanus Chambers, Francis Chambers, Henry Chambers, Jacobus Chapel, Benjamin Chase, George Chase, John Chase, Robert Chasee, Stephen Chatfield, Lewis Chatfield, William Chickens, Thomas Christman, Nicholas Chulwell, Thomas Clanchy, Daniel Clansy, Daniel Clark, Anthony Clark, Jeremiah Clark, John Clarke, Benjamin Clarwater, Jeremiah Clemens, John Clement, Nicholas Clerk, Benjamin Clerk, Martin Cline, Franses Clinton, Joseph Clock, Jonathan Closs, John Coad, William Codgdon, John Coe, John D. Cole, Francis Cole, Garet Cole, Thomas Collins, James Collins, Joseph Collins, William Colman, Timothy Commadine, Nicholas Commedin, Nicholas Conckling, John Conckling, Selah Conckling, Thomas Conckling, Timothy Conden, Philip Condon, David Cone, John Conet, John Conklin, Joseph Conklin, Nathaniel Conklin, Samuel Conklin, Silvanus Conkling, David Conkling, Jacob Conkling, Jonathan Conkling, Thomas Connolly, Hugh Connaway, John Connoway, Cornelius Conolice, John Conro, Darling Constable, Garret Cook, Burnit Cook, George Cook, Jonathan Cook, Samuel Cook, Thomas Cook, James Coonet, John Cooper, Abram Cooper, John Cooper, John, Jr. Cooper, John C. Cooper, Zebulon, Jr. Cordise, George Frederick Cordwise, George Cormical, Blackney Cornwall, Caleb Cornwall, John Cornwall, Joseph Cornwell, Silvanus Corrigal, John Corter, John Corwin, Jonathan Corwin, Nathan Corwin, Thomas Cousins, Mathew Cowdrey, Benjamin Cowen, James Corens, Matthew Crambary, Francis Cramberry, Francis Crandell, Luke Crandle, Luke Creamer, John Creaton, Thomas Crekenborne, Johannis Crickenboom, John Crispell, Anthony Cristman, Nicholas Cristy, John Crosshar, Samuel Crossman, Abner Crossman, Simeon Cunningham, Charles Curoday, Nicholas Curry, Samuel Curtis, George F. Curtis, John Darby, Asa Darby, John Davenport, Thomas David, Henry Davin, Richard Davis, Chapman Davis, Gilbard Davis, John Davis, Matthew Davis, Nathan Davis, Samuel Davis, William Dawson, Daniel Dawson, Richard Dayton, Samuel Dayton, Samuel, Jr. Dean, Edward Dean, Joseph Dean, Samuel Debois, Jacobus Debois, Johannis De Bois, John I. De Clark, Abraham Deffendorf, Henry Deforest, Henry Dejo, Hugh Delamarter, John Delamater, John Demont, Joseph Dempsey, Mark Dempster, John Denn, Thomas Dennis, John Denny, Samuel Deratt, John Devan, Cornelius De Vaults, Peter Devaults, Stephen Devee, Henry Devee, William Devenport, Thomas De Witt, Benjamin Dewitt, Jacob Deyo, Hugh Deyo, Hugh H. Dickerson, Jeremiah Dillinge, John Dobb, John Dobbins, Thomas Dodge, Alexander Dodge, Henry Dodge, Zachariah Dods, Zachariah Doherty, Thomas Douden, John Doughty, Isaac Douglass, William Dowlar, George Downs, James Dreyer, Frederick Driskell, Cornelius Dumond, Joseph Dumont, John Dunlap, James Dunlap, Thomas Dunn, Stephen Dunnivan, Anthony Dupee, Abraham Eager, James Eagins, Joshua Early, Samuel Easton, Henry Edes, Joseph Edgarly, John Egans, Joshua Eggs, Samuel Elleback, Emanuel Ellen, Jesse Elliot, Francis Elliot, John Elliot, John, Jr. Ellon, Jesse Ellot, Archabel Elmendorph, Petrus, Jr. Elsworth, Peter Elting, Thomas Emica, John G. English, Joshua English, Samuel Ennis, Henry Ennist, Cornelius Erwin, James Evans, Joseph Everhart, John Everhile, John P. Everstine, Francis Fairchild, Jesse Farrington, David Fausdick, Samuel Fero, Andris Ferran, Cornelle Ferreigh, John Ferry, Omer Fersha, Dennis Fetzerman, Barnet Field, James Finch, Charles Finton, Peter Fitzerman, Barna Fletcher, James Fling, Henry Flynn, John Fokes, Robert Foot, Johan Caspar Forbes, Alexander Force, David Foren, James Forguson, Robert Forman, Gabriel Forr, John C. Fosdick, Samuel Foster, Daniel Foster, James Foster, Thomas Fothergill, Hugh Fountain, John Fowler, Jabez Fowles, James Frances, Coonradt Frayer, Thomas Frazier, John Frear, Solomon, Jr. Frederick, John Freeland, John French, Coonradt Freyer, J. Freyer, Thomas Friday, Coonradt Fryer, Robert Fulton, Francis Fulton, William Funna, Anthony Furman, Gabriel Furne, Francis Gadge, John Gahan, John Gail, John Gain, Francis Gains, Christian Gake, Samuel Gall, John Gardenier, Samuel Gardineer, Samuel Gardiner, Andrew Gardiner, Jeremiah Garnet, John Garrell, John Garrison, Abraham Garrot, Benjamin Garvey, David Gates, John Gattes, David Gee, Thomas Geege, John Gelston, William Geraghty, Bartholomew Gibson, Andrew Giers, Benjamin Gifford, William Gilbert, Samuel Gildersleaves, Philip Gildersleeve, Finch Gildersleeve, Richard Gillaspy, James Gillaspy, James J. Gillaspy, William Gillaspy, William, Jr. Gilmore, Robert Glen, Robert Glenn, George Goldsmith, William Goodcourage, John Gould, John Grace, James Graham, Andrew Gray, John Gray, Robert Green, William Gregg, Thomas Griffes, James Griffing, James Grimsly, William Grite, William Groot, William Groseman, Frederick Grote, William Grummon, Joseph Haburn, William Hadley, Bishop Haight, Abraham Haight, Thomas Hall, John Hallet, Moses Halsey, Matthew Halsey, Matthew, Jr. Halsey, William Rogers Haman, Daniel Haman, James F. Haman, John F. Hamilton, William Hand, Daniel Handen, John Hannes, James Happle, Adam Hardenbergh, Henderick Hardenbergh, Leonard Harder, Adam Harlow, Robart Harriot, J. Harriot, Thomas Harris, George, Jr. Harriss, Silas Hart, Andrew Hart, Gilbert Hart, Thomas Harter, Adam Harvey, William Hasbrouck, John, Jr. Hatch, Timothy Hatton, Jacob Haven, Isaac Havens, Daniel Havens, Joseph Haycock, John Hebbard, Abel Hedges, Elias Height, Abraham Hellit, Francis Hender, Frederick Henderson, Elisha Henderson, Patrick Henry, Michael Herrald, Henry Herteel, John Hevington, William Hewit, Benjamin Heyer, Alexander Hickey, John Hicks, Jacob Hide, Thomas Hievnard, Hendrick Higby, Daniel Higgans, Jonathan Higher, Garrit Hile, Coonrad Hill, David Hill, Eliphelet Hill, Henry Hill, John Hill, Nicholas Hoffman, David Hogan, Patrick Hoghtaling, William Holbert, Aaron Holley, Benjamin Home, Casper Hone, William Honeywell, John Hooper, Jacob R. Hooper, Robert R. Hopkins, Stephen A. Hopp, Abraham Hopping, Henry Hopping, Joseph Horton, Isaac House, John Houser, Andrew Houstman, George Houxly, James How, John Howard, James Howel, Samuel Howell, Aaron Howell, Edward Howell, Lemuel Howell, Stephen Hubbard, Rosel Hudson, John Huff, Robert Huffner, Hendrick Huggans, James Huit, Daniel Hulbert, Aaron Hull, Nathaniel, Jr. Hull, Samuel Hully, Arthur Hulser, John Hungerforth, Daniel Hunt, Benjamin Hunt, Guilead Hunter, Jonathan Hunter, Thomas Hurley, Arthur Hurley, James Hutson, John, Jr. Huxley, James Huxley, John Hyer, Alexander Hyer, Garret Hyet, Joseph Hyle, Coonrad Hyne, Hartman Hynes, Hendrick Isaacs, Isaac Jackson, Archibald Jackson, Francis Jagger, Abraham Jansen, Frederick Jeffrey, John Jenkin, Ennis Jennings, Elnathan Jessup, Zebulon Jinnings, Hazakiah Jinnings, Jonathan Johnson, Edward Johnson, Daniel Johnson, John Johnston, Daniel Jones, David Jones, Elicom Jones, Jeremiah Jones, Joseph Jones, Nathaniel Jones, Seth Jones, Shadrick Jones, Thomas Jones, William Kallam, Reuben Karr, Mark Kater, James Keator, Petrus Keator, Wilhelmus Keener, Christian Keenor, Christopher Keisbergh, Christian Kellam, Reuben Kelley, Patrick Kelley, Robert Kelley, Thomas Kellion, Coonradt Kelly, John Kelsey, Benjamin Kenny, John Kent, Thomas Ketcham, Daniel Ketcham, Philip Keyser, Abraham King, Aaron King, Jeremiah King, Joel King, John King, Jonathan Kinney, Jese Kinny, Charles Kip, Mathew Kip, Moses Kirk, Joseph Kitcham, John Kitcham, Samuel Klaerwater, Daniel Klock, J. Knapp, Benjamin Knapp, Elijah Knapp, Jeremiah Knapp, William Knapping, Jeremiah Koile, David Kortreght, Silvester Krack, Godlieb Krak, Godlip Krom, Benjamin, Jr. Kysinger, Philip Ladd, Joseph Lafter, John Lalancet, John Lambart, David Lambert, Abraham Lambert, John Lambert, Moses Lampyer, Francis Langdon, Ananias Lansing, Evert Laport, John Laroy, John, Jr. Lattamore, Thomas Lawrence, Benjamin Lawson, George Lawyer, William Leach, John Leaster, Michael Lee, James Lee, Thomas Leek, Abraham Lees, Martin Lelencet, James Lemmon, Alexander Lemon, Alexander Lennington, Thomas Lennox, Samuel Lent, Harculous Lent, Moses Leonard, Henry Leonard, Robert Lepling, John Lewis, Lockart Lewis, Peter Lewis, Richard Lewis, Thomas Lewis, Zadock Lighthall, James Lighthall, Lancaster Limbaker, John Lipling, John Little, Peter Little, William Littlejohn, John Loader, Daniel Lockert, Lewis Loins, Michael Looper, Abraham Looper, Amos Loose, P. Loosee, Paul Loper, David Losey, Paul Losing, Peter Lossing, Lowrence Loucks, Hendrick Louden, William Loucks, Hendrick Lourey, Alexander Louks, Hendrick Lourey, Alexander Loux, Hendrick Loux, Nicholas Love, Davis Lovely, Francis Low, Jacob C. Lowcey, Paul Lowdon, William Lowman, Peter Loyal, Edward Lucy, Eleazer Ludlam, George Ludlam, Stephen Ludlum, Daniel Lusk, Francis Luther, John Lutner, James Lyon, Asa Lyon, John Lyon, Joseph McAnanny, John McAuley, Robert McBride, James McBride, John McCart, James McCarty, Dennis McCay, Alexander McClanning, John McClean, John McConnelly, Hugh McCord, William McCormick, James McCormick, Thomas McCoy, Alexander McCoy, James McCutcheon, Thomas McDaniel, James McDaniel, John McDermot, Cornelius McDonald, Alexander McDonald, Daniel McDonald, Donald McDormit, Cornelius McDougal, Alexander McEwan, Duncan McFarland, John McGinnis, John McGlaghlin, William McGown, Archibald McGraw, Alexander McGuin, Abraham McGuire, Abraham McGuire, James McIntire, Phineas McIntosh, John McKenzie, John McKenzie, Neal Mackey, Thomas McKim, John McKneel, John McKown, James McKown, John McLaughlin, William McMaster, Alexander McMichael, John McNeal, Henry McNeal, John McQuin, Philip McVay, John Madden, Owen Mahan, Patrick Mahanne, Cain Maines, Mathew Maker, Nathaniel Maker, Solomon Mallow, Thomas Mane, Matthew Mantanye, Jacobus Manuel, Isaac Marsten, James Marvin, Elihew Marvin, Matthew Marvin, Moses Marvin, Seath Mason, James Masten, Daniel Masten, James Mathers, John Mathews, Peter Matleg, Caleb Matleg, Daniel Matlock, Caleb Maxwell, Cornelius Maxwell, William Mayberry, Richard Maybus, Leonard Meeker, John Meeker, Nathaniel Meeker, Solomon Megere, James Melcher, Paul Mellow, Thomas Melshire, Paul Mence, Christopher, Jr. Merrick, Seth Merricle, Samuel Mershall, William Middagh, George Miers, Jacob Miles, John Miller, David Miller, Henry Miller, Jacob Miller, John, Jr. Miller, Levi Miller, Ludwick Miller, Nathan Miller, Peter Miller, Zephaniah Miller, William Milles, John Mills, David Mills, Henry Mills, Nathaniel Milspaugh, Mathias Minick, Barnhart Minick, Hendrick Minie, Christopher, Jr. Minnen, Robert Minroo, George Mitchell, Robert Mixer, Daniel Moloy, William Monrow, Alexander Montcrief, Charles Moor, Frederick Moor, John Moor, Robert Moor, Samuel Moore, Frederick Moore, John Moore, Thomas Morcraft, William Morewise, Jacob Morgin, David Morris, Edmond Morrison, Daniel Morrison, Richard Morrison, Thomas Morriston, Richard Morrow, Patrick Mosher, John Mosier, Hugh Mosure, Ruben Mott, Henry Mott, Jacob Mott, Joseph Mott, Samuel Mott, Thomas Mowris, Daniel Mulholand, James Mullon, John Munro, Alexander Murphey, Peter Murray, Bartley Murray, James Murray, William Mute, William Myer, Frederick Myers, Frederick Myers, Jacob Myrick, Seth Nangle, Frederick Neilson, Allen Nelson, Allen Nelson, Caleb Nemiah, John Henry Nemire, John Henry Nevels, John Newbergh, John Newman, William Newton, William Nichols, Simon Nicolls, Robert Nicols, Joseph Nicolson, Jonathan Nicolson, Thomas Noble, Cornelius Norris, Isaac North, John Northrop, Ebenezer S. T. Nortrap, Moses Nostrant, Isaac Nostrant, John Nostrant, Luke Nottingham, William Nyx, Cornelius Oakes, Ephraim Oakes, John Obrient, John O'Connoley, James Odle, Tomkins Ohlen, Henry G. Oldham, John Olendorph, Leonard Oliphant, William Oliver, Thomas Olmendurff, Leonard Oneal, John Oosterhoudt, Isaac Orr, Baltis Orsborn, Ezekel Osborn, Aaron Osborn, Cornelius Osborn, Josiah Osterhout, Isaac Osterhout, Peter Ostrander, Peter Ostrander, Peter William Owen, Daniel Owens, Daniel Owens, Thomas Owens, Uriah Paddock, Levy Pain, Jonathan Pain, Paul Painter, Edward Palfreman, William Palmateer, Isaac Palpeman, William Parker, Daniel Parker, Edmund Parker, Edward Parker, Timothy Parkhoff, Frederick Parks, Ebenezer Parks, Jonah Parks, Timothy Parks, William Parshel, James Parson, Isaac Patterson, James Patterson, John Patterson, William Pease, Nathaniel Peirson, Isaac Peirson, John Pelgrit, Hendrick Pells, Henry Peltz, Hendrick Peltz, Henry Peresonias, Jacobus Perkhoff, Frederick Perkoff, Hendrick Perksmith, Englars Perchase, Joseph Peters, John Peters, Simon Peterson, John Phenix, Robert Phillips, William Pillgret, Hendrick Pillow, John Pinckney, Jonathan Pinkney, Jonathan Pinton, Peter Piny, Edward Piper, Lewis Pitt, Abraham Pittman, John Pixly, Eli Plato, Thomas Platto, Thomas Plough, Jochiam Plough, Samuel Plumsted, Nathaniel Post, Cornelius Post, Richard Poulson, Michael Powlson, Michael Pratt, Chalker Pratt, John Preston, Benjamin Preston, Othaniel Price, Adam Price, Benjamin Price, Robert Prince, Joseph Prindle, Joseph Prouth, Degory Putney, Joseph Quackenboss, Benjamin Queen, Christopher Quigley, George Rahea, Denie Ralje, David Randell, Henry Randle, Henry Ranger, Samuel Rannels, Abijah Ray, William Rend, James Record, Wilmot Reed, Garret Reed, Samuel Reeves, Daniel Rendal, Henry Renne, Coral Rennix, William Rergtmire, Conradt Reynard, John Reynolds, John Reynolds, Michael Rice, Samuel Richardson, Alexander Rider, George Riely, Charles Riley, John Rilya, David Rinder, Christian Ripenbergh, Adam Risdale, William Roads, Noah Roberts, Warren Robinson, Andrew Robinson, George Robinson, James Robinson, John Robinson, Richard Rocaster, John Rodgers, Samuel Rogers, James, Jr. Rogers, Stephen Romer, William Romine, John Roos, Lemuel Roosa, Jacob Root, George Rosa, Aaron Rosa, Aldert Rose, Albert Rose, Thomas Ross, John Rotheart, George J. Rouse, Thomas Rowley, Seth Rowley, Thomas Ruland, Thomas Rumler, Thomas Rump, Henry Ruskill, Marlain Russell, Joseph Russell, Oliver Rutan, Peter Ryan, Patrick Ryan, Robert Ryley, Patrick Rynard, John Rynder, Christian Rynder, Christopher S-----, Ephriham St. Johns, Noah Sammons, Matthew Sandford, Benjamin Sapin, Thomas Sassin, Thomas Sax, Jacob Sayre, James Sayre, Joshua Schreeder, John Joachim Schruder, John J. Schryver, Christopher Schultz, John Scott, Andrew Scott, John Scott, Timothy Scott, William Scriber, Christian Scriber, Peter Scudder, Alexander Scudder, Edmund Seaberry, John Seaman, Daniel Seaman, Isaac Seaman, J. Seaman, Micha Seamans, Ephraim Seamans, Isaac Searles, Thomas Searls, Thomas Secor, Isaac Secor, James Seely, Silvanus Seevey, Joseph Semall, Anthony Serals, Thomas Sevey, James Seyley, Coenradt Shade, Adam Shades, Adam Sharriner, Lodwick Shatter, Hussey Shaw, John Shawl, John Shay, John Shearwood, James Sheels, James Sheffield, Robert Shell, Christian Shell, Christopher Shell, George Sherlocke, John Sherriden, Richard Sherril, Abraham Sherril, Jeremiah Sherrow, James Sherwood, Elijah Sherwood, Seymour Shields, Daniel Shields, James Shift, George Shires, Jacob Shirlock, John Shirts, Peter Shirts, Samuel Shoecraft, John Short, Jacob Shriner, Lodewick Shriver, Lodewick Shultz, John Shurky, Thomas Sickels, Abraham Sickles, Abraham Simkins, Gideon Simons, Moses Simpkins, Gedion Simwell, Anthony Skiffington, John Slaughter, Isaac Slead, Joseph Slone, Thomas Sluyter, Jacob Sly, Samuel Slyter, James Smider, Christejan Smith, Alexander Smith, Archibald Smith, Daniel Smith, David Smith, Duncan Smith, George Smith, Hezekiah Smith, Hugh Smith, Isaac Smith, Jeremiah Smith, Joel Smith, John Smith, Josiah Smith, Nathaniel Smith, Peter Smith, Petrus, Jr. Smith, Solomon Smith, Thaddeus Smith, Wait Sommers, Hugh Sox, Jacob Sparling, John Spear, John Speer, John Speigler, Frederick Speigler, Hendrick Spensor, Joseph Spensor, Mathias Spiegler, Hendrick Staats, Silvester Stag, Jasper Stagg, John Stalker, William Stanbury, Elijah Star, Eli Starling, Levy Steenbergh, Abraham Steeples, Nathan Stephen, Samuel Stephens, Abraham Stephens, John Stephens, Reilef Stephenson, Samuel Sterling, Levi Stevens, Eliphelet Stevens, John Stevens, Samuel Stewart, Samuel Sull, James Stilwill, James Stimas, Isaac Stimwell, Anthony Stitt, James Stodgden, Robert Stokes, Alexander Storer, Nehemiah Stout, James Strickling, Samuel Stuart, John Stump, Charles Sturges, Isaac Sullivan, Dennis Sullivan, John Sumurch, Henry Sutherland, Daniel Sutherland, James Sutler, Samuel Swan, Peter Swartwout, Cornelius Sweeny, Roger Talladay, John Tallerday, Stephen Talmadge, Elisha Tammond, Peter Tarry, Daniel Tarry, David Taylor, Alexander Taylor, Thomas Teachout, William Temount, Joseph Tenure, James Ter Bush, John Terry, Samuel Terwelleger, Benjamin Terwelleger, James Thomas, John Thompson, Elias Thompson, John Thompson, Joshua Thomson, Benjamin Thorp, Thomas, Sr. Thorp, Thomas, Jr. Tisdell, William Tisdit, William Tobin, Edward Todd, Jonathan Toll, Roger Tomkins, Abraham Topkins, Abraham Tompkins, Thomas Tompson, John Tone, Andrew Tool, Roger Topping, Daniel Town, Timothy Townshand, Richard Trall, Abel Troop, George Trull, John Truman, Jonathan Tubee, John Tuley, John Turner, Alexander Turner, John Turner, Richard Tuthil, Azariah Tuttle, Henry Tuttle, Stephen Twisie, John Umphrey, Evins Umphrey, John Upright, George Upright, James Upright, Nathan Utest, John Vader, Samuel Vail, Jeremiah Vail, John Vail, Micah Vail, Peter Valentine, Joseph Valentine, Peter Van Ambergh, Abraham Van Amboro, Abraham Van Atta, John Van Benscoter, Elias Van Blarcum, James Van Blaricum, James Van Blazicum, James Van Bunhagele, John C. Benj. Van Bunhagle, Benjamin Vancamp, Abram Van Cleff, Lawrence Vandemark, Cornelius Van Den Bogart, Esoyas Vandenburgh, Jacob Van Der Burgh, Henry Van Der Burgh, Jacob Van Derhyden, Adam Vanderhyden, Derrick Van Derhyden, Gershom Vandervoort, James Van Der Warken, Martin Van Deusen, Abraham Van devoort, James Van Every, David Van Gasbeek, Thomas Van hour, Rineas Van Kleak, James Van Kleeck, Moses Van Kleck, James Van Klief, Laurence Van Loan, Peter Van Nosdal, Cornelius Van Nosdall, John Van Ordan, Charles Vansail, Egbert Van Schank, Anthony Van Sickle, Ferdinand Van Sise, John Van Sise, Joseph Van Stenburgh, Jeremiah Vantine, Isaac Van Wagoner, John Varner, Henry Varriken, Johannes Vary, George Vasey, George Vaults, Peter Veal, John Veeder, Samuel Verling, Andrew M. Vessels, Joseph Vonck, William Vradenburg, William Vredenburgh, William Wade, Bernard Waddle, William Wagerman, Emanuel Wagerman, George Waggerman, Emanuel Waggerman, George Wains, William Waiter, Thomas Walby, Roger Wall, Patrick Wallace, James Wallace, John Wallis, John Walter, Coonradt Wandle, John Ward, Daniel Ward, Thomas Warden, Nathan Waring, Benjamin Warnor, Martin Warren, Edward Warren, Francis Warring, Benjamin Wass, John Watkins, Elijah Watson, Joseph Watson, Richard Watson, William Way, John Weasels, Joseph Weathersline, John Weaver, Christian Weaver, Christopher Weaver, George Weaver, Henry Weaver, Johannis Weaver, Richard Webb, Daniel Weed, David Weeks, Andrew Weeks, Jacob Weeks, Jonathan Weeks, Obediah Weken, Conrad Welch, John Welch, Richard Welch, Thomas Welden, Robert Weldon, Jeremiah Wells, John Wells, Peter Wesell, Joseph Wetherstine, John Wey, John Weychouer, Jacob Weyfenback, Hendrick Weyherner, Jacob Weyschouer, Jacob Wharry, David Wharry, Evins Whay, John Whiley, John White, Joseph White, Thomas Whitham, William Whitman, John Whitter, Ezra Wilbur, Esau Wiggins, Thomas Wiley, John Wilkinson, Robert Willer, Charles Willes, James Willes, Thomas Willett, Francis Williams, Abraham Williams, Arthur Williams, Ebenezer Williams, George Williams, John Williams, Robert Williams, Solomon Williamson, John Willis, John Willis, Thomas Wills, John Wilsey, William Wilsie, William Wilson, John Wilson, Robert Wilson, Thomas Winchester, Amariah Windover, John Wise, Gutlip Withem, William Witmozier, Henry Witt, Christopher Wood, Eliphelet Wood, Gilbert Wood, John Wood, Jonathan Wood, Joseph Wood, Samuel Wood, Silas Wood, Thomas Wood, Timothy Woodworth, Joshua Wooley, Jared Worden, Nathan Worden, Nathaniel Wordenton, Mathew Wright, Abraham Wright, Edward Wright, John Wright, Samuel Wybert, Frederick Wyfenback, Henry Wynins, William Wyschover, Jacob Yarington, William Yates, James Yengle, John F. Yeoman, Moses Yeomans, Isaac Yoemens, Thomas Youmans, William Young, Daniel Young, Isaac Young, John Youngs, Israel Youngs, John Youngs, Nathan Zagart, Christian Zanno, Frederick Zeaster, Michael Zenner, Frederick
[ New York In The Revolution ]