New York Pensioners

Copied From The Book

New York In The Revolution

Documents Relating to the Colonial History of the State of New York

Vol. XV, New York State Archives, Vol. I.

Edited by: Berthold Fernow


Invalids who received Pensions from the State of New York

The Legislature of New York passed on the 22d of April, 1786, an Act "making provisions for Officers, Soldiers and Seamen who have been disabled in the service of the U.S." The payment of pensions to the soldiers of New York and other States began, according to "Ledger, Rev. Accounts," March, 1782

Abeel, Garrit

Acker, Jacob

Adams, James

Adams, Mathew

Allison, Richard

Armstrong, Edw'd

Baldwin, Daniel, Captain 1st N. Y. Conts., lost left leg at Germantown, Oct. 4, 1777

Banks, Obadiah

Barber, Silas

Barnum, Joshua, Capt.

Bartlet, John

Baxter, John

Bell, George H.

Bennet, John

Bishop, Joshua

Blauvelt, Abrm.

Bovier, Nichs.

Bowen, Timothy

Boyce, Thos., Ensign

Boyd, Eben'r

Boyer, Thomas

Bradenbergh, Baltus

Bradpick, John, Captain

Bradt, Nich's

Brewster, Henry

Brooks, John

Brooks, Michael

Brown, David, Fairfield, Conn., Militia, shot through abdomen. Lower Salem, W. Chester Co.

Brown, Nich's

Browne, John F.

Buchanan, John, Captain

Burgess, James

Butler, John

Burpe, Jacob

Cady, David

Callaghan, Edw., Priv.

Cannon, Mathew

Carpenter, Thomas, Lieut.

Carrington, Gilbert

Chace, John, Priv.

Charpanal, Simon

Commoding, Nich's

Conoly, James, Corpl., Captain Israel Smith, Col. Ph. V. Cortlandt's 2d N. Y. Enlisted June 20, '77, in Capt. Pierce's Co., Col. Hy. B. Livingtston's, later Lt.-Col. Weissenfel's 4th N. Y.; transferred to Van Cortlandt's 2d N. Y. in 1780; wounded in left leg and disabled on fatigue duty at West Point, Oct., 1780; discharged by Genl. Wash'n April 10, 1783. Shoemaker, N. Y. C.

Connor, Matthew

Cook, John

Cooper, John, Private, Capt. Robt. Johnston, Col. John Nicholson; enlisted in Capt. Johnston's, Jan'y, 1776; in Capt. Leon Bleecker's 1st N. Y. in autumn 1776; ruptured and disabled by a log rolling on him. Farmer, Orange Town, Orange Co.

Copenal (Coppernol), Adam

Corwin, Gershom

Covenhoven, Peter

Crane, Thaddeus, Major, Col. Ths. Thomas, Westchester Militia; shot through the body, expedition to Danbury, April 27, 1777

Crawford, Thos., Bombardier

Cruduck, William

Curm, John

Cutler, Joseph

Dalton, Thomas

Davis, William

De Camps, Mathias

Delong, Francis

Demoth, Hans M.

Dickinson (Dixon), Marshall

Dole, James

Done, Thomas

Donnally, James

Dougherty, John

Douglass, William

Drew, William

Duncan, Thomas

Dunham, Corn's

Dunkill, George

Dunlap, Andrew

Dunlap, James

Elbertson, William

Elwood, Isaac

Fancher, Squire

Fancher, William

Feagan, William

Ferris, John

Ferris, Silvanus

Ficks, Robert

Finch, Jon'n

Finckley, George

Fink, Jon'n

Fisher, Fred., Colonel

Foltz, John Jost

Forbes, Alex'r

Foster, John

Foster, William

Fox, Christopher, Captain

Frank, Andrew

Frank, John

Frazier, Duncan

Freeks, Robert

Fry, John, Brig. Major

Gallasby, James

Gallut, James

Gardinier, Jacob, Captain, Colonel Fred Fisher, severely wounded at Oriskanie August 6, 1777. Blacksmith, Mohawk District, Montgr. Co.

Gardnier, Samuel

Garrison, Richard, Qr. Mr.

Geer, Benijah

Gibbs, Samuel

Green, Josiah

Greene, Zachariah, Private

Gregg, James

Griffiths, Barney, Conn. Continentals; shot in left shoulder at Cromps, April 28, 1777. Weaver, Fredericksburgh

Hale, Mordecai, Surgeon's Mate

Hall, Talmage, Lieut.

Hammon, Staats, Sergt.

Hanford, Osias

Hanvie, John

Harpur, Joseph, Lieut.

Harris, Joseph

Harris, Robert

Hartman, Adam

Hathers, Thomas

Hawkey, Richard P.

Helmer, George

Henderson, William

Hess, John

Higgins, Jon'n

Hill, Asa

Hilton, John

Hines, Thomas

Higgins, Jon'n

Hink, John

Hipworth, Daniel

Hogan, Patrick

Holmes, John

Hope, Thomas

Hopper, Henry

Horsford, John

Hunt, Eden, Qr. Mr.

Hurlbutt, Stephen

Ivery, James

Jacobs, Wm.

James, William

Jansen, Mathew

Jones, Samuel

Jordan, John

Jordan, Nichs.

Jump, William

Keeler, Isaac

Kerney, Thomas, Westchester

Ketchum, John

King, Reuben

King, Walter

Kirney (Kenney), Thomas, blind

Knap, Joseph

Knapp, Abiel

Knox, George

Kock, John, Sergt.

Kolb, John

Kough, John

Lampman, Peter

Lang, Robert

Lewis, Wm.

Lockary, John

Lockwood, Moses

Loucks, Wm.

Lucas, William Budd

Lyon, Michael

Lyon, Thomas

McCracken, Joseph, Major

McDonald, Donald

McFall, Paul

McGraw, James

McKean, Samuel

McKinney, Charles

McKinstry, John

McMasters, Hugh

McNish, Alexr.

Marshall, Mead

Martian (Martine), Philipp

Martine, William

Mathers, James

Mead, Libeus

Miles, John

Mills, Alexr.

Milspaugh, John

Mook, Gerardus

Moshier, John

Mott, Ebenr.

Mowris, Daniel

Muller, Jeremiah C.

Mundin, John

Murphy, Henry

Myers, Michael

Neely, Abrm.

Nestel, George

Paine, Joseph

Parish, Silas

Peack, Garret

Peterson, Simon

Pickard, Adolph

Pickerd, John, Qr. Mr.

Plumb, Stephen

Powell, Thomas

Prentup, Joseph

Preston, Jon'n

Purdy, Jon'n

Purdy, Solomon

Quick, John

Radenaer (Rottenhower), Jacob

Ransom, Joseph

Rasberg, Fred'k

Reeve, Israel

Reeves, James, Jr.

Rehern, Joseph

Reima (Reman), John

Requaw, John

Reynolds, Benjn.

Reynolds, Jon'n

Rice, John

Richards, Phil.

Richards, Robert

Richter, Nichs., Captain

Rightmyer, Henry

Riley, James

Robinson (Robertson), Robert

Rosbach, Fredk.

Sargent, William

Sartine, James

Saunders, Robert

Scott, James

Seeber, Henry

Seeley, Silvanus

Seely, Thaddeus

Sherer, James

Sherman, Abiel

Slavin, James

Smith, Benjamin

Smith, James

Snell, Han Yost

Snell, Jacob, Sergt.

Sparks, Pearl

Springsteed, Harm.

Staats, Philip

Stansill, George

Stevens, Daniel

Stewart, John

Stillwell, James

Strobeck, Adam

Sulbach, Garret

Summers, Farrel

Swartwout, Cornelius

Swat, Godfrey

Swift, John

Talbot, Silas

Taylor, John

Telford, Alexander

Thomas, John

Timmerman, Henry

Townsend, Daniel

Travis, Ezekiel

Travis, Jacob, Lieutenant

Tyler, Asa

Van Nort, Joseph

Van Rensselaer, Henry K., Lieutenant-Colonel

Van Woert, Wm.

Vincent, Joseph

Waggener, George

Walrath, Hendr.

Walrath, Nicholas

Walter, George

Wandell, Adam, Private

Ward, Thomas

Waring, Gideon

Warren, Gideon

Waysall, Nicholas

Welch, Edward

Wells, James

Wendell, David

Wheelan, Edward

White (Voit), Jos., Private

White, William

Wier, James

Williams, Ezekiel

Williams, Ichabod

Willson, David

Wilson, Thomas

Winn, John

Wood, Lemuel

Woodworth, Roznil

Woolever, Abr'm

Wright, Isaiah

Wright, Jacob

Young, Godfrey

Younglove, David

Finis coronat opus

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