Thomas Johnson's Scouting Party, Coos to St. Johns, March

As found in the book, "Vermont In The Revolution", Compiled and edited by John E. Goodrich.

March---To 15 days on a scout from Coos. to St. Johns	}
		by order of Genl. Bayley		}	4.10. 0
	To Abiel Chamberlin 15 days @ 4/			3.--.--
	To Silas Chamberlin 15  do				3.--.--
	To John Maclean		do				3.--.--
	To Fry Bayley	8	do				1.12.--
	To Provisions for scout					3. 8.--
	To Expense at St. Johns					1.10.--
							       20. 0.--

Pay Table Office, Rutland, Oct. 26, 1786. The within account examined and approved and the Treasurer is directed to pay the same to Thomas Johnson, Esq. or bearer, it being twenty pounds, lawful money.

Lem. Chipman } Comee
Timo. Brownson }

Treasurer's Office, Rutland, Oct. 26, 1786. Rec'd of th Treasurer the contents of the above.

Thos. Johnson
20.0. 0

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